O Esplendor do Azar: NovePortugal Casino – Descubra a Sorte que o Aguarda no Coração de Portugal
O Esplendor do Azar: NovePortugal Casino – Descubra a Sorte que o Aguarda no Coração de Portugal Para começar a sua jornada no mundo dos Casinos Online, é essencial saber quais são os métodos de pagamento mais usados no NineCasino Portugal em 2025. Com a crescente popularidade dos jogos de casino online, a segurança e conveniência das transações financeiras tornam-se ainda mais relevantes. Descubra as opções disponíveis e escolha aquela que melhor se adequa às suas necessidades e preferências. Prepare-se para uma experiência inesquecível e embarque nesta emocionante aventura de apostas e prémios! Métodos de pagamento mais usados no NineCasino Portugal em 2025. Além da diversão proporcionada pelos jogos, os Casinos Online também oferecem uma conveniência incomparável. Com acesso 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, você pode desfrutar dos seus jogos favoritos a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar. Os avanços tecnológicos garantem uma experiência de jogo suave…
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Musical Chair – To get students flexing their listening and social and problem-solving skills.
Young children love to move. When children take part in music and movement activities, they are allowed to have fun, be creative and dance around and burn off some energy. In reference to participating the students in physical experiences that allow them to explore their skills and capabilities and to try new things, we had a musical chair game. When these experiences are group activities, children also benefit from learning social skills such as turn-taking and encouraging others, listening skills, as well as spatial awareness, and a developing sense of safety.
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Creativity and innovative ideas expressed through art
Drawing Competition was organized to nurture students’ creativity and help them understand and create the importance of happiness in life. It allows complete self-expression and supports their creativity and innovative ideas expressed through art. And the Competition also helped to supplement the school curriculum and provide additional opportunities for our students to engage them in a creative exercise to identify their hopes and dreams for the future.
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Speech Competition for the development of self-expression
Having good communication skills plays a significant role in developing the overall personality. The speech discusses a subject on which several people share their different opinions. Students as a part of speech experience considerable advantages, whether they are part of school speech teams or speech as members of a social or political club. Concerning the importance of speech, we had a speech competition that was very influential for students. This competition helped them to develop self-expression. Participating in speech had built up the confidence of the students to speak to people being upfront as they have gone through the arguments in their lives. The competition was helpful to enhance students’ talent and improve their overall development. It helped boost their confidence, remove the fear of speaking in public, and develop critical thinking.
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५७ औं राष्ट्रिय बाल दिवस
‘सामान्य अवस्था वा कोभिड महामारी, बाल अधिकार संरक्षण हामी सबैको जिम्मेवारी’ भन्ने नारासहित मनाइएको ५७ औं राष्ट्रिय बाल दिवसको अवसरमा देवदह मदर टङ्गस एकेडेमीले पनि विभिन्न कार्यक्रम गरी मनाएका छौ । कोभिडका कारण लामो समय घरभित्रै बन्दी बनेर बस्न वाध्य बालबालिकाहरुले विद्यालय सञ्चालनसँगै रमाउदै बालदिवस मनाउन पाउँदा निकै हर्षित देखिएको शिक्षिका ज्ञानुकला न्यौपानेले बताउनुभयो । साप्ताहिक क्रियाकलाप प्रमुख मधुसुदन दिशामगरको अध्यक्षतामा सम्पन्न वक्तृत्वकला प्रतियोगितामा कक्षा ६ , ७, ८ ,९ र १० मा क्रमशः बसन्त थापा, तृष्णा सिंह ठकुरी, एन्जिला चौधरी, दिव्य सुनार र जिबन दाहाल प्रथम भएका छन् ।त्यसैगरी बेलुन ब्लास्ट प्रतियोगितामा नर्सरीबाट आयन पल्ली प्रथम, अमृत राना द्वितीय र श्रेजल सिंजाली तृतीय भएका छन् । सोही खेलमा कक्षा एलकेजी लिलीबाट आशिया गुरुङ्ग प्रथम, योजन गुरुङ्ग द्वितीय र गौरव आचार्य तृतीय भएका छन् । एलकेजी रोजबाट सृटि सुनारी प्रथम, यनुशा बि.क.द्वितीय र सेजल बि.क.तृतीय भएका छन् । त्यसैगरी यूकेजी रोजबाट अभिशेक गुरुङ्ग प्रथम, दिव्य थापा द्वितीय र दिप्सन थापा…
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भदौ ३ । देवदह मदरटङ्गस एकेडेमी देवदह नगरपालिका ६ मीतेरी गाँउमा आज विद्यार्थी उत्प्रेरणात्मक कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भएको छ । माध्यमीक तह अन्तर्गतका ११२ जना विद्यार्थी सहभागी उक्त कार्यक्रममा विद्यार्थीहरुलाई कसरी पढाईमा ध्यान दिने, कसरी सफल हुने लगायतको विषयमा प्रशिक्षण दिईएको थियो । कार्यक्रममा विद्यालयका प्रिन्सिपल राम बहादुर गुरुङ, भाईस प्रिन्सिपल यमलाल शर्मा, शिक्षक मनमाया थापा, देवराज गुरुङ र चित्र बहादुर सुनारीले सहजीकरण गर्नुभएको थियो । विद्यालयका प्रिन्सिपल राम बहादुर गुरुङको अध्यक्षता तथा शिक्षक देवराज गुरुङको सञ्चालनमा कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भएको थियो ।
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पृष्ठ भूमीः
सयौं भाषा संस्कृतिमा धनी भएर पनि हामी अरुको भाषा संस्कृतिलाई अंगाल्दै आफ्नो अस्तित्व बिर्सदै गईरहेका छौं । अग्रगामी समून्नत नेपालको परिकल्पनामा हामीले धेरै इतिहास लेखि सकेका छौ तर त्यो इतिहासमा मात्र सिमीत छ । यथार्थमा हामी अन्धकार तिर धकेलिरहेका आभास भई रहेको छ । हाम्रो आफ्नो परिचय न त राज्यले संरक्षण गर्न सकेको छ, न त हामीले स्थापित गर्न सकेका छौ । राज्यले हरेक नागरिक र जाति जनजाति प्रतिको दायित्व बिर्सिएपछि समय समयमा ति शुल बनेर व्यक्त हुन्छन् र कैयौंको नरसंहार हुने गरेको घटना हाम्रो सामु ज्वलन्त प्रमाण छन् । तथापि हरेक जात जातिले आफ्नो अस्तित्व र पहिचानको निमित्त संघर्ष गर्नु अझै अहिलेको आवश्यकता रहि रहेको छ । राष्ट्रहरुले एक भाषा, एक जाति, एक धर्म र एकै संस्कृतिको नारा बोकि रहेकाले यहाका सबै जाति धर्म, भाषा संस्कृतिको सर्वनाश गरी आधिपत्य जमाउने षडयन्त्र हिजो देखि हाम्रो सामु छर्लङ्ग छ । त्यसैले हाम्रो बल बुद्धिले भेटे सम्म आफ्नो भावी सन्ततीलाई समेत आफ्नो…
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